Thursday, September 07, 2006

Happy Birthday! ;)

Will all my love I want to give a huge hug and congratulate our Lilichka with her Birthday today!!! If I was asked to think about the most unpredictable person in our LC, I would for sure name her - so serious, smart and responsible in her work, so funny and cute in everything else. You for sure never know what to expect from her, and this is what makes Lilia so special.

I wish you to be happy every day of your life, enjoy the moments you are having with us ;) and bring in this special side of yours that is so mysterious for all of us.

Love you and Happy Birthday!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"Самый верный способ прогнать чудо - это спросить, зачем оно здесь."

Friday, September 01, 2006

Powerful emotions - after AI 05-06 goodbye speech..

Pryvit, kohani!

I'm straight from the annual report of our AI team 2005-2006, and still have tears in my eyes. From what Broadie has told, from the whole impression of the last and the current AI teams, from the atmosphere that was in the room during the speech and during their last, goodbye presentation.. An incredible feeling, an absolutely empowerful and impressive emotions right now in me.. We have achieved as an organization so much during the last year - thanks to them, thanks to @ world, thanks to ourselves and our work, and our commitment, and our trust and faith. And I can't stop thinking about how we are going to feel next year.. What we will do for the next year.. What efforts we are going to make to prove their trust in us and to show that all they did wasn't in vain.. To really achieve in the end AEISEC 2010..

I wish you could have been here and see and feel this all by yourself, and that's exactly why I'm trying to pass on at least a little bit of my emotions, of my feelings..

Thank you for being such a wonderful LC of mine, thank you for letting me share this with you.. Can't wait to see you as soon as possible by myself. We're coming back in the morning on the 4th, so see you all on Tuesday for sure,

Love you greatly,
Vasha Ol'ka