Saturday, November 25, 2006

“There’s no faci roll call, there’s no faci shout, but at least there is faci smell!”

Message to New Horizons faci

At last I gathered myself and my thoughts a little bit to write here a few lines. Though I opened this page a few times, but it didn't seem to be "the right time" for me to write. Now it is.

I've already thanked you all. For being there for me and for the conference.

That's why here I just wanted to say that I will definitely remember this conference. Not just as my "third New Horizons". But as the conference that deeply influenced me, my way of work, my motivation level and my own "organizational understanding". It was thanks to everyone I've talked to, thanks to the delegates, who kept being role models for me, thanks to the faci, whose level I tried to strive for.

I can't say that I was "torn to pieces" by the conference. In fact, I am very glad that I wasn't. Instead, it challenged me in many ways and made me think much more than if everything was perfect and cloudless. And I really value this experience. More than any other experiences I've had recently.

Love you all for being so different and so special. Especially to me.